Our competitive winning streak came to an end with a resounding 6-1 defeat to Belsay in the first round of the main Inter-Club knockout competition.
The team of Dave, Nigel, Peter T and Roger travelled up to Belsay on Wednesday 5 June to face Phil Errington, Ian Hunter, Eric Nixon and Robert Nixon, on lawns that had not been mowed in some time, and which made hitting shots at distance extremely difficult.
Nonetheless we enjoyed a good welcome for Belsay and, in spite of our losses, most matches went to three games.
So our national competition interest remains with the Murphy Shield, where we will be playing Camerton and Peasedown (from Bath!) in the quarter-finals on 9 July, probably in Nottingham, and in the new Federation Shield where our first match is against Ealing on 19 June, again in Nottingham.