Once the season opens in mid-April, we normally play four afternoons a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. The sessions are “roll-up”, so that anyone can come and get a game, often in doubles, depending on the numbers attending.
Sessions normally start around 1.30 pm and go on till around 4.30 pm, depending on demand and weather! One of the members is “in charge” for any given day and will be there from 1.15 pm to open up.
Occasionally, mainly on Saturdays, we will have a league match against another club, On such days normal roll-up play is not available, but spectators are always welcome to cheer on the team!
Most days play is informal, although allowance is sometimes necessary for members to play matches in our internal singles and doubles leagues.
The season usually closes in late September as the Council (which owns and maintain the lawns) determines.